Rim Lighting

Finally, I have now the impossible-to-find (in Cebu, anyway) Nikon SC-28 TTL Flash Cord.

I quickly assembled a rough setup for rim lighting (one of the many possibilities with off-camera flash photography): A 3' x 3' illustration board (black side is facing the camera) was center-clipped to a large 4' x 4' translucent plastic (that came with the uncut illustration board). The plastic serves as a diffuser. The flash was then put behind the plastic/illustration board with a distance of about 2'.

Subjects were positioned about 1' from the illustration board and here are some sample shots:

SB-400 attached to D40 by SC-28 flash cord:


Ivan Makarov said…
What diffuser is this?
TRT said…
@Ivan Makarov:

Just a plain crumply plastic. The ones you normally find in book coverings...
TRT said…
byw, setup was based on an article in i-Mag Photography Magazine Issue #4 (or 3?)...

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